Monday, February 10, 2014

The Reocurring Doorway

I finally got around to putting the doorway back in. It sounds weird, I know, but that's what I did.  When we moved in, we could tell that there had been another doorway in the foyer at one time because whoever had drywalled and mudded the patch hadn't done a very good job.
Last year my sweet husband Gary caught me red handed, tearing a hole in the wall... and I would have torn the whole thing out too if he hadn't stopped me, but he really wanted to finish the kitchen first. Yep...I like to have more than one project going on at any given time; so when I get bored of one project, I can give it a rest and do something else for a while.  I think it drives Gary nuts, but he LOVES my finished projects:)
Well, the kitchen is finished now (except for some touch-ups, but I'm sick of painting at the moment) so I got my hammer and saw and went to town on the wall. This is what's been staring at us for the past year. I even painted around it when painting the foyer so as to not waste any paint. (Ignore the unfinished stair wall - its in the process...)

And then after 5 minutes, it looked like this, but on the other side of the wall.
Yes, that is insulation. I don't usually wear gloves, but I definitely did for this project!
It only took me an hour and a half total from start to finish to tear it all out, throw it all away, and then clean up.  Guess who helped me clean:) 
 I still have to figure out what to do with this floor... I think I might save it and patch it...the correct way.

Well, its not pretty, but its one step closer to my goal. (Excuse the ugly sofa. I'm debating on whether to paint it or to reupholster.)

Hopefully within the next week or two I will be building some skinny french doors for this 38" doorway. I'll let you all know how it turns out when I do:)

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